Goddess Enlightenment CD: Parvati Sahasranam Stotram

Parvati Sahasranam Stotram: 1008 Names of Goddess Parvati $5.00

Hello All,

I would like to announce the release today of the $5.00 Download of the Parvati Sahasranam Stotram, on the sacred occasion of this Vyasa Purnima Day.  Jai Gurudeva!  This Sahasranam has been recorded by the author and set to music.  The music is a fusion of Eastern and Western instruments, 22 in all, played predominantly to an interpretation of Ananda Bhairavi Raga.

Goddess Enlightenment offers a transformative journey into the Divine Feminine, Siva’s Shakti, in all of Her power, splendor, grace and unconditional love.

Traditionally, Sahasranamas (1000 Names) are composed in Sanskrit. They are considered to be narrative embodiments of the Divine, bestowing manifold benefits. This English homage to the Mother of the Universe arose as mysteriously as its subject, in unexpected bursts of intuitive creativity over the course of six months, always at midnight.

Blending the mystical wisdom of Vedic texts with contemporary, poetic insights, this composition not only offers an encounter with the Goddess, but a deeper understanding of yoga, meditation, and the underlying nature of Reality.

We hope that you will enjoy…


Crystal Linga of the Breath

1. Each breath (inhalation and exhalation) is the cycle of creation & destruction, building life with the inhale, dying with the exhale, recreations of the cosmic creation and annihilation on the individual scale (making us gods of our life), happening continually in the NOW by force of the Divine, as breathing happens of its own.

2. As the breath enters the body, the chest cavity rises creating a long inner cavity of air – a cyrstal linga inside the body:

3. This linga contains God and seed mantra, and  is the residence of ongoing creation.  Inside this linga of the breath, we can create anything to manifest outwardly.

4. Hands together in pranam is a mudra for the third eye which we hold in front of this linga of the breath, and from where we behold another in spirit, namaste: I behold the God in you.

English: A Keralite Dancer in Sari( Mohini Attam: a dance performance)

GODDESS ENLIGHTENMENT – “Sri Parvati Sahasranama”

Sri Parvati Sahasranamas

Now available for Audio Download $5.00, at: https://gum.co/KBOE

(Goddess Enlightenment)


Many people don’t know much about Goddess Parvati, the wife of Lord Siva. Some may have heard about two of her expansions, Goddess Kali (black, with a large machete and garland of skulls) or Durga (Warrior Goddess on a lion), or about Lakshmi (Goddess of Prosperity) or Saraswati (Goddess of Wisdom), but Parvati escapes notice.  She is gentle, not a “warrior goddess,” and isn’t known for being approached for wealth or wisdom, so she is often overlooked.

According to Hindu Cosmology, she is the creator of the universe and all life, and Siva, her husband, its annihilator. They are like two sides of one coin, without which nothing else can exist.  Accordingly, she is known as the seat of the Vedas, the world’s oldest scripture, and the mystical knowledge of mantra, tantra and yantra known as Sri Chakra.   In Taoism, she is  the mother of the ten thousand things, Quan Yin in Buddhism, and Christianity presupposes her existence by speaking of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost; after all, how can there be a Father or a Son without a Mother?  We speak of Mother Earth and Mother Nature, and the majority of all people hold a special love for their own mother.  So, who is this Mother who is so integral to our lives, yet so over-shadowed in our culture?  Is she useful on a daily basis?

This Sahasranama, hymn of praise of 1008 names of the Goddess, attempts to offer a glimpse of the scale, scope, breadth and depth of who she is, what she means in our lives and her exhilarating power. After all, it is the Mother who births us, nourishes us, nurtures us and develops us.  It is her energy that makes dynamic growth a possibility that never ceases throughout our lives.

Mothers are famous for their unconditional love, their all-knowing abilities, their healing presence, their beauty, their wisdom, and their adoration of their children.  They are often quiet, behind the scenes, doing exactly what’s necessary at all moments to make everything come off without a hitch.  Goddess Parvati is no different.  Symbolic of the Mother of all mothers, she does this on a cosmic scale, and contemplating this facet of existence elevates one’s consciousness.  Try reading it through once, and see if you can’t feel a difference.

*                        *                          *

Sri Parvati Sahasranama

(1) Jewel of Shiva’s heart
(2) Himalaya Nandini
(3) Himalaya Yogini
(4) Kailasha Mani
(5) Moon gazer
(6) Ganga dweller
(7) Ganesha’s mom
(8) Nandi’s safeguard
(9) Camphor luminescence
(10) Smile adorned
(11) Ash beloved
(12) Cobra pranamed
(13) Mountain breeze garments played with
(14) Tender mountain lotus feet
(15) Anklet jum-jum strong & rapturous
(16) Amazing multi-faceted woman
(17) Pride of Saraswati
(18) Friend of yogis
(19) Refuge of the pitiful
(20) Mother of the wayward
(21) Fountain of mercy
(22) Repository of beauty
(23) Gentleness incarnate
(24) Infinite gracefulness
(25) Ocean of acceptance
(26) Universe of loveliness
(27) Starlight of Shiva
(28) Sunlight of the hopeless
(29) Direction of the lost
(30) Beacon of mercy
(31) Strength of togetherness
(32) Mother of the abandoned
(33) Redeemer of the damned
(34) Way of the forgotten
(35) Refuge of the cursed
(36) End of the fortunate
(37) Prize of the destitute
(38) Transformation of the pitiful
(39) Wholeness of the broken
(40) Silence of the peaceless
(41) Daughter of Mena
(42) Daughter of Himavan
(43) Beloved of Maheshwar
(44) Mahadeva’s worship
(45) Shambhu’s penance
(46) Autumn worshipped
(47) First Night of 9 Nights
(48) 9 and 3 divided
(49) Esoteric Devi
(50) Multitudinous Goddess
(51) So fond of Her devotees
(52) So sweet to Her children
(53) In love with Lord Shiva
(54) Rudraksha cherished
(55) Makes Shiva a poet
(56) Makes Shiva a romantic
(57) Makes Shiva an artist
(58) Made Shiva an ascetic
(59) Creative Power
(60) Eternal Nada
(61) Transcendent Bindu
(62) Home of the unlovely
(63) Ruler of the humble
(64) Empress of the pure
(65) Queen of the obedient
(66) Confidant of the stillness
(67) Manosarovar of females
(68) Swan of discernment
(69) Pearl of samadhi
(70) Lotus of unfoldment
(71) Kundalini of ascension
(72) Crescent moon of self-mastery
(73) Damaroo of awakening
(74) Trident of austerity
(75) Nandi of steadfastness
(76) Ganesha of auspiciousness
(77) Deerskin of protection
(78) Horn of plenty
(79) Snow of righteousness
(80) Cool breeze of omniscience
(81) Breath of ever-presence (omnipresence)
(82) Beloved of the secret
(83) Repository of goodness
(84) Gaze of the infinite
(85) Blessing-rich Goddess
(86) Sita’s Benefactress
(87) Prism clear gazes
(88) Touch of transcendence
(89) Boon of the fortunate
(90) Dawn of good fortune
(91) Rise of the intellect
(92) Gayatri’s witness
(93) Yuga stepper
(94) Manvantara stitcher
(95) Supreme love meditator
(96) Obstacle obliterater
(97) Ignorance healer
(98) Happiness spreader
(99) Joy delivered
(100) Femininity encapsulated
(101) Prosperity’s abundance
(102) Timeliness prompt
(103) Timelessness befriended
(104) Shiva’s heroine
(105) The moon’s shyness
(106) Hamsa intellect
(107) Paramahansa cherished
(108) Lifetime’s present
(109) Universal accomplishment
(110) Luckiest day
(111) Purest moment
(112) Shiniest diamond
(113) Realized resplendence
(114) Treasured asset
(115) Blazing furnace
(116) Shiva’s servant
(117) Dattatreya’s role model
(118) Atri’s determination
(119) Anasuya’s chasteness
(120) Ashvini Kumara’s respect
(121) Bharata’s grandeur
(122) A cave’s depth
(123) Sister of Krishna
(124) Sri Rama’s second mother
(125) Gem bejeweled magnificence
(126) Grace incarnate
(127) Sati’s attainment
(128) Daksha’s obeisance
(129) Maya’s unraveling
(130) Ego’s suspension
(131) Wisdom’s true rest
(132) Delight of the nymphs
(133) Gandharvas’ song fest
(134) Earth’s favorite
(135) Shiva embraces
(136) Linga languishes
(137) Clouds imitate
(138) Grass bedecks
(139) Mountains Her envoy
(140) Sublime Motherliness
(141) Smile wide-spread
(142) 16 Ornaments of preciousness
(143) Banyan of compassion
(144) Ground so hallowed
(145) Resolve of perseverance
(146) Bull riding
(147) White garment dazzling
(148) Pearl nose dangling
(149) Compassion eyed blessings
(150) Heart of mercy
(151) Love incarnate
(152) Shakti purest
(153) Power hidden
(154) Tender red steps
(155) White camphor skin
(156) Each gesture poetic
(157) Each glance love’s depth
(158) Hip belts bejeweled
(159) Ash smeared renunciant
(160) Meditated gorgeous
(161) Fabulous Pendant
(162) Shiva’s breast
(163) His life, His breath
(164) Third eye vision
(165) Red jewel lips
(166) My Mother, my Fortress
(167) Self-sufficient
(168) Paired with Lord Shiva
(169) Shankara’s heiress
(170) Dancing fire-lit
(171) Nataraj’s Universe
(172) Chandra’s reflection
(173) Surya’s vision
(174) Mahishasura’s penance
(175) Savitri’s righteousness
(176) Yamuna’s single-mindedness
(177) Prayag’s sanctity
(178) Sangam’s holiness
(179) Hidden grace of Varanasi
(180) Pride of Pashupatinatha
(181) Sweentess of Bhagamati
(182) Greenness of Peepul
(183) Slenderest of waists
(184) Perfect of breasts
(185) Loveliest of women
(186) Mightiest of faithfulness
(187) Not to be crossed, fought or missed
(188) Culmination of the Infinite
(189) Full measure of the Ultimate
(190) Durga, Sri Vidya, Seat of the Vedas
(191) Cow of plenty
(192) Mother to Ganesha
(193) Sweet modak in hand
(194) Broken tusk pendant
(195) Rat comes to visit
(196) Kailasha’s amulet
(197) Coconut’s resemblance
(198) Sweet white milk of innocence
(199) Power of enlightenment
(200) More sure than death
(201) Friend of the forest
(202) Lover of the wind
(203) Succor of the saints
(204) Kindness of the sages
(205) A sharp gleaming sword to lop off your head
(206) Shiva enchanted
(207) Kailash family fed
(208) Agni tutored
(209) Yajna’s purity
(210) Breath of the breathless
(211) Mother of the fallen
(212) Blessings of beneficence
(213) Glances of weightlessness
(214) Friend of the friendless
(215) Awareness within
(216) Stillness of the waked
(217) Prize to be coveted
(218) Damsel of the mountains
(219) Golden effulgence
(220) Arunachala’s Mistress
(221) Gautama’s Instruction
(222) With Siva United
(223) Adornment of all ornaments
(224) Pacific of the peaceful
(225) Martyr of ascetics
(226) Clarity of fire
(227) Brilliance of diamonds
(228) Light of the heavens
(229) Mindfulness of the mindful
(230) Truth Incarnate
(231) Satiri manifest
(232) Peace as a Goddess
(233) Two cobra adorned
(234) Bewitching Highness
(235) Shiva’s surprise
(236) Vishnu’s envy
(237) Lovely distraction from everything peaceless
(238) Anapurna chef
(239) Food of the hungry
(240) Kasi dweller
(241) Shiva’s patron
(242) Makes Shankara a beggar
(243) Marvelous Goddess
(244) Playful Mother
(245) Mighty magnificence
(246) Several blessings
(247) Pool of mercy
(248) Ocean of beauty
(249) Helper of the helpless
(250) Boon of plenty
(251) Fulfillment Permanent
(252) Transcendence enchanted
(253) Samadhi suspended
(254) Silence instructed
(255) Lake of stillness
(256) Merciful Friend
(257) In a moment’s notice
(258) Ever present
(259) Together wed
(260) Peaceful Enchantress
(261) Cobra surrounded
(262) Snow white mountains beautifully dressed
(263) Lake of compassion
(264) Magnificent glances
(265) Priceless Benefactress
(266) Our safest rest
(267) Calm embodied
(268) Grace in a woman
(269) Mother of our atma
(270) Beloved liberation
(271) Mystical Goddess
(272) Holding a blue lotus
(273) Sattva incarnate
(274) Provider, Protector,
(275) Comforter, Reassurance
(276) Mother of the fortunate
(277) Smile sufficient
(278) Shiva’s Beneficence
(279) Ravishing Tenderness
(280) Lotus-Chakra seated
(281) Tanmatras’ animation
(282) Dark Energy’s Magic
(283) Nandi’s safekeeping
(284) Kartikeya’s resolve
(285) Ganesha’s Mummy
(286) Tail of Hanumanji
(287) Shankara’s necklace
(288) Bholenatha’s innocence
(289) Family of renunciants
(290) Mother of the Infinite
(291) Kiss of blessedness
(292) Glowing like a moonbeam
(293) Not a leaf eaten
(294) Captured top ascetic
(295) Made renunciation her husband
(296) With two holy sons
(297) Mother of liberation-incarnate
(298) Enslaver of Shiva
(299) Made Shankara her beloved
(300) Sits on a tiger skin
(301) Her anklets entrance the Universe
(302) Mother of Discernment
(303) Her family shatters the family
(304) First family’s Matron
(305) Family of beloveds
(306) Happy Kailash household
(307) Himavan’s palace wed
(308) Bilva fruit eater
(309) Bilva leaf wearer
(310) Bilva tree sitter
(311) Auspiciousness’s Girlfriend
(312) Maker of Existence
(313) Righter of justice
(314) Manifests as Durga, Kali and 10 Devis
(315) Maha Gauri
(316) White as penance
(317) Dazzling as a moon dance
(318) Sweet as a mango
(319) Unattached as a lotus
(320) Singing sweet anklets
(321) Three ash lines on forehead
(322) Shiva’s bindu
(323) Muruga’s Parent
(324) Nursed Ganesha
(325) Made Shankara a daddy
(326) Siva’s bride
(327) Luckiest woman
(328) Stands with the Infinite
(329) Manifested Creation
(330) Stamps out unrighteousness
(331) Matron of saintliness
(332) Harbor of the holiest
(333) Striven for by renunciants
(334) Worshiped by maidens
(335) Benefactress of husbands
(336) Bewitcher of Trilokas
(337) Feeder of Shiva
(338) Makes what for breakfast?
(339) Marvelous lila Goddess
(340) Mysterious beyond measure
(341) Mind-incomprehensible
(342) Heart’s own temptress
(343) Seat of wisdom
(344) Quarry of forgiveness
(345) Chakora of Shiva’s crescent
(346) Admirer of Shankara’s earrings
(347) Tries on his tiger skin
(348) Tickles him – He’s laughing
(349) Kailasha’s family lives
(350) Shivaratri all visit
(351) Sweets all fed
(352) Her eyes compassion’s ocean
(353) Her hair strewn with jasmine from nearby mountains
(354) Wears hibiscus
(355) Mother of quest
(356) Deliverer of the Answer
(357) Reincarnation’s accomplishment
(358) Dharma incarnate
(359) Combination of contraries
(360) Amalgamation of opposites
(361) Stupendous good fortune
(362) Nearer than the nearest
(363) Always with Shiva
(364) Fiercely independent
(365) Charging the forest for war or day’s bread
(366) Accurate of weapons
(367) Merciless on transgressors
(368) Fire-lit lady
(369) Adorned like a forest in summer at sunset
(370) Smiling kindly to everyone
(371) Sternly rebuking your ignorance
(372) Awakener of destiny’s deepest, quietest secret
(373) Glides like a hamsa
(374) Or a soft summer night wind
(375) Refreshing as dew
(376) Bejeweled as the mountains
(377) The One you should strive for
(378) The One whom you love
(379) Your only greatness
(380) The One who loves you
(381) The One who feeds you
(382) The One who clothes you
(383) The One who named you
(384) The One who bathes you
(385) Who breathes through you
(386) Who is you
(387) And all that you do
(388) With all that you do
(389) Is all that there is
(390) With her sons and her husband
(391) The Cosmic’s rich story
(392) Giving the Sun his radiance
(393) And the Ocean his saltiness
(394) Cow of plenty
(395) Repository of patience
(396) A million joyous smiles
(397) A lifetime of happiness
(398) The One and Only
(399) Multiplied by billions
(400) And trillions times infinite
(401) Spread across forever
(402) Whose sari is timelessness
(403) Her anklets the wind
(404) Her pendant fire
(405) Her bracelets ether
(406) Her nose ring Prithvi
(407) Her girdle the oceans
(408) Before Her stands Herself
(409) Manifest as Existence
(410) The dawn of each day
(411) The song of each bird
(412) The crash of each wave
(413) The mine of all fortune
(414) For you She waits
(415) Hair jewels dazzling
(416) Sapphires in Her tresses
(417) Rubies on Her necklace
(418) Diamonds on Her earrings
(419) Pearls on Her anklets
(420) Bells on Her hips
(421) Flowers at Her neck
(422) Kum kum on forehead, crescent moon above it
(423) Great feminine Goddess
(424) Bold and gentle
(425) Sublime and fearless
(426) Merciful and fierce
(427) Concerned and cosmic
(428) Your Teacher
(429) Your Sister
(430) Your Tutor
(431) Your Mentor
(432) Your Guru
(433) Your Grandmother
(434) Your Self
(435) Always with You
(436) And always stays hidden
(437) Together with Rudra
(438) Smiling eyes sparkling
(439) Her laughter means everything
(440) Joyous Enchantress
(441) Makes you forget everything
(442) Cooks everything delicious
(443) Nourishes existence
(444) Expands enlightenment
(445) Feeds on devotion of Shiva
(446) Serves love in Her kitchen
(447) Makes expansion a habit
(448) Builds Her children
(449) Fosters supplication
(450) Manifests resilience
(451) Creates greatness
(452) Loves saintliness
(453) Harbors saint’s respect
(454) Honors sages
(455) Wages war on ignorance
(456) Smiles during Genesis
(457) Breathes on the waters
(458) Gets Existence’s lamp lit
(459) Adored by Surya
(460) Amazes the Moon
(461) God parent to Bhuvadevi
(462) Wears a white skirt
(463) Gold necklace adorned
(464) Brocade on Her hem
(465) Mogra flower headdress
(466) Tiny champa belt
(467) Lotus tied to wrist
(468) The sky’s Her heaven, Her ceiling, Her palace
(469) A cave Her cottage
(470) A fire Her oven
(471) The mountains Her living room
(472) Vistas Her perspective
(473) Magnanimity Her baseline
(474) All seeing Her quiescence
(475) Beyond comprehension
(476) The striving to envision life’s fulfillment
(477) Tender as the daybreak
(478) Elusive as the gloaming
(479) All pervasive as our breath
(480) Absent as our yesterday
(481) Still as the present
(482) Far beyond measure
(483) Closest Dearest
(484) Unknown Guest
(485) Time yet acquainted
(486) Horizon’s limit
(487) All eclipsed
(488) Self-abandoned
(489) Wounded loneliness
(490) Mighty confidence
(491) Constant togetherness
(492) Companionable Power
(493) Wrapped in tenderness
(494) Suffused with knowing
(495) Complete in ascetics
(496) Simplest elegance
(497) Unabashed presence
(498) Strength of Lord Shiva
(499) Sacred thread of the Bramhins
(500) Rajasuya of Emperors
(501) Kamadhenu of Goddesses
(502) Ganga of rivers
(503) Nilakantha of ascetics
(504) Vyasa of wise men
(505) Bhagavat of Puranas
(506) Kashi of sacred places
(507) Banyan of compassion
(508) Night Queen of fragrances
(509) Pearl of gems
(510) Fire of Agnihotra
(511) Business of the Vaishyas
(512) Wisdom of the Bramhins
(513) Valor of the Ksatriyas
(514) Service of the Sudras
(515) Gita of all wisdom
(516) Upanishadas of the Vedas
(517) Lotus of flowers
(518) Above all blessed
(519) Koustubha of Vishnu
(520) Fire of the Ocean
(521) Meru of firmanent
(522) Svah of Trilokas
(523) Surya of Planets
(524) Dazzling white brilliance
(525) Beloved respect
(526) Womanly sweetness
(527) Keen beyond perception
(528) Will of a missile
(529) Omnipresent as the wind
(530) Tremendous good fortune
(531) Punyatma’s forest
(532) Shankara’s beloved
(533) His treasure, His adornment
(534) Skanda’s attainment
(535) So quiet you’ll miss it
(536) Art of artists
(537) The poems of pens
(538) Blazing Infinity condensed
(539) Red sari magnificence
(540) Battle-bead of sweat
(541) Like a jewel worth trillions
(542) A stride her lion or tiger
(543) Several weapons bedecked
(544) A discus, a machete, a trident ever ready
(545) Her awareness will not flinch
(546) Crystalline perception
(547) Command beyond question
(548) Gold crown worth billions
(549) Her smile more precious
(550) Her blessing life’s treasure
(551) Snow white cloud of Kailash
(552) Chintamani of wishes
(553) Resplendent awareness
(554) Perceptive cognition
(555) Secret Helper
(556) My all time well wisher
(557) Cloud walker
(558) Anklet cloud symphony conductor
(559) Sunlight drenched
(560) Shankara’s amulet
(561) Ganesha’s Mentor
(562) Muruga’s cherished
(563) One who feeds Ganesh
(564) Who nourished Kartikeya
(565) Who absorbs Shiva
(566) Who plays a trick
(567) Who captivates Shiva
(568) Who satisfies sages
(569) Who adorns the Himalayas
(570) And bedecks the mountain caves
(571) Queen of the snows
(572) Treachory of the crevasses
(573) Loftiness of the peaks
(574) Treasure of the Vindhya ranges
(575) Foremost Woman of the Ages
(576) Remotest Yogini on the Planet
(577) Happiest of all women
(578) Wisest of all counselors
(579) Bravest of all warriors
(580) Gentlest of all mothers
(581) Fiercest of all competitors
(582) Loveliest of all maidens
(583) Toughest of all ascetics
(584) Only one to win Shiva for her husband
(585) Commander of all Shaivites
(586) One who wears bracelets in the mountains
(587) Adorned with beautiful saris
(588) Fitted in simple tiger skin
(589) Clad only in tree bark
(590) Hair adorned with bilva
(591) Beautiful in red
(592) Gives kum-kum its significance
(593) Intoxicating aroma
(594) Seat of Tantra
(595) Haven of Yantra
(596) Meaning of Mantra
(597) One beyond Nirvana
(598) Embodiment of Bhava
(599) Vyasa’s favorite chef
(600) Sukadeva’s object of devotion
(601) Sanatkumar’s accomoplishment
(602) Radha’s confidant
(603) Every woman’s proponent
(604) Completely guileless
(605) Absent of bickering
(606) Witty and funny
(607) Sublimest of Women
(608) Makes Shiva have children
(609) Beguiler of men
(610) Enchanting beyond measure
(611) Down-to-earth and rooted
(612) Simple and unaffected
(613) Artistic and creative
(614) Beautiful singer
(615) Bends the mind of Her music
(616) Melts the ego of listeners
(617) Understands Nada
(618) Dancer of Omkara
(619) Revealer of the Vedas
(620) Mother of music
(621) Art’s Genesis
(622) Matron of Theatre
(623) Deliverer of inspiration
(624) Origin of intuition
(625) Builder of enthusiasm
(626) Constructor of the Heavens
(627) The Beginning wed the End
(628) Manifestation embracing Annihilation
(629) Multiplication times Contraction
(630) The dance of Creation
(631) Mother of all jivas
(632) Compassion animated
(633) Love as Greatness
(634) Worrier of Her devotees
(635) Watches after Her children
(636) Strives for Lord Shiva
(637) Nothing but Perfect
(638) Silence engaged in discussions
(639) Merciful Responder
(640) Granter of all wishes
(641) Maker of all ways
(642) Companion of all moments
(643) Taster of all tastes
(644) Stillness within
(645) 100,000 kisses
(646) Dreams ablaze in pursuing life’s preciousness
(647) Born of the earth, become a Goddess
(648) Determination embodied
(649) Who enjoys camping
(650) Who lives in the forest
(651) Who enjoys walking in nature
(652) Lovely cloud gazer
(653) Admirer of the environment
(654) Who’s home is adorned with Ganga
(655) Who breathes fresh air
(656) Who is very steadfast
(657) Who is adorned with hibiscus
(658) Who is surrounded by snakes
(659) Who has no grandchildren
(660) Who likes to wear red
(661) Who contemplates Rudraksha
(662) Who has a mouse, a bull, and a peacock on her doorstep
(663) Who likes to eat fruits
(664) She who sits astride a bull
(665) She who bears a trident
(666) She who loves animals
(667) She who drinks only air
(668) She who altogether vanished
(669) Who hid from Shankara
(670) Who annihilates the enemies of Her devotees
(671) Slayer of ego
(672) Slayer of Chanda and Munda
(673) Gazer of halahal poison
(674) Bearer of intoxicating perfume
(675) Musk adorned
(676) Anklets cause meditation
(677) Compassionate to the pitiful
(678) Hiker of mountains
(679) Stealth beyond description
(680) Difficult to discover
(681) Harder to visit
(682) Beloved of Her devotees
(683) Rewarder of focus
(684) Mighty of intention
(685) Invisible yet ever present
(686) Distributor of all motherliness
(687) Teacher of forgiveness
(688) Captivated by innocence
(689) Simplest of all women
(690) Humble beyond cognition
(691) Free of all blemish
(692) Wiser than the wisest
(693) Sanctuary of Yoginatha
(694) Companion of reclusives
(695) Protector of Her children
(696) Lifter of negative vibrations
(697) Sweet as sacred nectar
(698) Follows all canons (sacred texts)
(699) Detached from attachment
(700) Beyond all rituals
(701) Pleasantest Guest
(702) Beautiful as peonies in a lush fragrant garden
(703) Moved to pity
(704) Embodiment of etiquette
(705) Delicacy personified
(706) Yet fully Self-sufficient
(707) Can’t live without Shiva
(708) Wonderment’s Circus
(709) Bedazzling luminescence
(710) Fascinating glances
(711) Intoxicating glimpse
(712) Moves like wind
(713) Dancing like a gypsy
(714) Now like a peahen
(715) Now like a cloud
(716) Now like a star
(717) Now like a wild ocean
(718) Now like a radiant forest after showers at sunrise
(719) Now like your dreams you cherish inside
(720) Now like a veena
(721) Now a sitar
(722) Bending the music of life’s civilizations
(723) Swept across time, across continents, across gunas
(724) Never without Shiva
(725) …Without blessings
(726) …Without Boons
(727) Doubt vanquished
(728) Haven of women
(729) Mentor and Mantra
(730) Extremely nice
(731) Disguised as terrible
(732) Fierce like fire
(733) Ablaze in love
(734) Steeped in the Shastras
(735) Itihasas Her dress
(736) Maya Her movements
(737) Enlightenment Her breath
(738) Divine Consort
(739) Wife of the Holy Ghost
(740) Hostess of the Sacred Host
(741) Bhutanatha’s Girlfriend
(742) Sanctuary of the vanished (dead)
(743) Comrade of the lonely
(744) Seer into eternity
(745) History embodied
(746) Ken of all knowledge
(747) Beautifully and simply spoken
(748) Timely timelessess
(749) Manifests in a moment’s notice
(750) Thin air emerging
(751) Transcendental Wonderment
(752) Winter’s best ornament
(753) Spring’s freshest daffodil
(754) Summer’s ripest fruit
(755) Autumn’s rainiest refuge
(756) The year’s best bargain
(757) A decade’s single victory
(758) A score’s highest token
(759) A century’s dazzling gem
(760) An age’s epoch journey
(761) A Manvantara of lifetimes gift
(762) The Yuga’s beginning & end
(763) Daybreak’s warmness
(764) Its shy beginning
(765) Its panoramic beauty
(766) And kind serenity
(767) Its quiet awakening
(768) And majestic unfoldment
(769) Joy of the moment
(770) Time’s bejeweling
(771) The joy of morning
(772) The brilliance of midday
(773) The slowing of afternoon
(774) The repose of evening
(775) The sanctity of twilight
(776) The horizon’s colors merging
(777) The ocean’s swelling
(778) The moon’s waxing and waning
(779) The rivers’ charging, meandering and flowing
(780) The state of flow
(781) Continual growing
(782) Expansion of consciousness
(783) Night times at home
(784) Embodiment of the family
(785) Togetherness and connection
(786) Kind-hearted relations
(787) Selflessness and caring
(788) Knitter of the atma of all beings, good & bad, and all pairs of opposites
(789) Creator & eliminator of all opposites
(790) Like desert and forest
(791) Mountains and valleys
(792) Plains and oceans
(793) Tundra and arctics
(794) Heavens and hells
(795) Penance and merriment
(796) The seer, the sight, and all forms of objects
(797) Midnight’s secret
(798) Its zenith
(799) Its presence
(800) Its treasure
(801) Its darkness
(802) Its wisdom
(803) Its depth
(804) Dreams encounters
(805) Their manifestations
(806) Psychological tumbles
(807) Rem sleep
(808) Beyond rem
(809) The arms that we sleep in
(810) The bliss we connect with
(811) The mini-death
(812) The ghost of our jiva
(813) The Goddess of all atmas
(814) The play of all species
(815) The boundaries of all waters
(816) The cycle of all seasons
(817) The mysterious divine householder
(818) Red dipped finger tips
(819) Kajal on eyelids
(820) Henna decorated
(821) Dove like gentleness
(822) Bequeather of all breath
(823) Matriarch of Bramhaa
(824) Lila of Vishnu
(825) Destruction of Shiva
(826) Volcanic explosion of fury
(827) Molten lava of energy
(828) Burning fire river of kundalini
(829) Known as Shakti
(830) Suns explosions
(831) Stars collision
(832) Galaxies expansion
(833) Universe’s vastness
(834) Milky Way of direction
(835) Dark Energy evolving: the Sound of Ether
(836) Touch of Air
(837) Sight of Fire
(838) Taste of Water
(839) Smell of Earth
(840) Origin of Sankhya
(841) Kapila’s inspiration
(842) Vayu’s range
(843) Agni’s vision
(844) Indra’s regeneration
(845) Mayadeyo’s magic
(846) The scope of the Directions
(847) Dazzle of Rohini
(848) Luminosity of Chandra
(849) The energy of Rudra
(850) And romance of Vishnu
(851) The generosity of Laksmi
(852) And compassion of Saraswati
(853) The laughter of Ganesha
(854) And discernment of Kartikeya
(855) The dedication of Nandi
(856) The perception of Python Swami
(857) The stealth of the Chakra
(858) The weight of the Mace
(859) The precision of the Trident
(860) The vibration of the Damaroo
(861) The love of devotees
(862) The everything of all things
(863) The beauty of Dharma
(864) The justice of Karma
(865) The Freedom of Moksha
(866) The liberation of Shanti
(867) The annihilation of Ananda
(868) The pathway of Yoga
(869) The cave of the Chakras
(870) The gate of Shushumna
(871) The balance of Ida & Pingala
(872) Our very own Sadhana
(873) Never far from us
(874) More practical than breakfast
(875) More precious than lunch
(876) More savory than dinner
(877) A rose-water lassi
(878) So simple you may miss it
(879) So sublime you yet try
(880) Merciful Motherliness
(881) Mighty Adventuress
(882) Left kith and kin
(883) Abandon all for Lord Shiva
(884) Meditated and fasted
(885) Nearly blew up the Heavens
(886) Till Shankara melted, relented – repented
(887) Lives in Himalaya’s bosom in a magnificent crystal palace
(888) Forever cherished
(889) Running existence with Her side-long glances
(890) Marvelous Mother
(891) Magnificent Treasure
(892) Mercy embodied
(893) Heart of all servants
(894) Smiles illumine all Directions
(895) Melody of all music
(896) Nataraja’s rhythm
(897) Entwined with Lord Shiva
(898) Half of one body
(899) This World & Bramha
(900) Inseparable everything
(901) Seen & not seen
(902) Feminine & masculine
(903) 9 Nights embodied
(904) Sri Yantra inhabited
(905) Coconut kalash ocean
(906) Wheat grass feet carpet
(907) Pomegranate jewel richness
(908) Yajna’s appearance
(909) Stotra’s enchantment
(910) Pooja’s endearment
(911) Mahishasura’s trophy: His head on Her discus
(912) All devas crying “Devi!” “Devi!”
(913) Resides at Pashupatinatha
(914) Resides at Kashi
(915) Resides at Kedarnatha, Hardiwar and Gangotri
(916) Everywhere Present
(917) Queen of Prithvi
(918) Worshippable beyond senses
(919) Supreme Achievement
(920) Mild as Autumn
(921) Your every encounter
(922) Your every desire
(923) Plunder your heart to find Her enthroned there
(924) Saffron of Sannyasis
(925) Kund of good plenty
(926) Each moment’s life’s offering
(927) To be thanked daily
(928) To be remembered always
(929) Who raised you through your parents
(930) And protected you till this instant
(931) Who loves you without condition
(932) Who sings to you at all moments
(933) Who guides you to success
(934) And annihilates all obstacles
(935) Who blesses you after death
(936) Who cradles you in Her bosom
(937) Who houses your loved ones
(938) Who sanctions each happening
(939) Who loves righteousness
(940) But embraces the unrighteous
(941) And teaches all beings through circumstances
(942) Who’s with you in illness
(943) Who treats you through doctors
(944) Who mends your bones
(945) Who mends your heart
(946) Who never remembers your indiscretions
(947) And wants always what’s best for you
(948) Who shakes you to prod you through all kinds of challenges
(949) Who binds you to a body to evolve your consciousness
(950) So that you can experience Her love of your brilliance
(951) Who times each episode for you down to the second
(952) And travels like a dream beside you all day
(953) Who watches every movement, every hour, every breath
(954) Who always takes notice of your new attempt
(955) Who likes to sit under trees
(956) And loves moonlit midnights
(957) Who cherishes nature as Her very own pet
(958) Who walks in the dew outside your window
(959) The One Who birthed you from absolutely nothing
(960) Who held you and bathed you
(961) For whom nothing’s impure
(962) The one who accepts you just as you are
(963) Who stands waiting and watching for when you will come
(964) Who gives you freedom to play in the world; to strive and to yearn and to die still burdened, and whenever you want to She’ll trade it all in for endless joy and peace, Her two lovely anklets!
(965) She loves bilva fruit and marigold flowers
(966) She is the red of your blood
(967) And the sigh of your longing
(968) If you offer Her anything sincerely, She loves it
(969) Guilelessness is bound to capture Her (call Her then and She’ll hurry)
(970) The One Who finishes what She started
(971) Who roams the Three Worlds and all that inhabits them
(972) Who is your sole and only provider
(973) Who cherishes your spirit, and named you since conception
(974) Who has a special fate predestined for you
(975) Who frees those in bondage
(976) Who gives power to the powerless
(977) Siddhis incarnate
(978) The progress in sadhana
(979) Vedas enchantment
(980) Subtle mystery’s revelation
(981) The ocean’s buoyancy
(982) The wind’s omniscience
(983) The forest’s silence
(984) Nature’s foremost
(985) Great marital adjustment
(986) Happily married
(987) Holder of linga
(988) Shedder of knowledge
(989) The transition of death
(990) The mighty releaser
(991) Who grants Her devotees wisdom and riches
(992) Who acts like a pulley to lift the world’s burdens
(993) Who embraces you tightly and calms all your senses
(994) Who gives supreme knowledge
(995) Whose aroma transports one
(996) Whose beauty silences
(997) Whose love is limitless
(998) Whose grace uplifts
(999) Whose glances spread bliss
(1000) Whom only Shambhu can live with
(1001) Who adores Isvara
(1002) Who is supreme yet a homemaker
(1003) Who is easy to relate to
(1004) And kindness embodied
(1005) Who is Matchless and Peerless
(1006) The Finest, The Best
(1007) Who is Right this Moment
(1008) & The End of the Endless…

*      *      *      *      *

      All Glories, All Honor, All Love & All Blessing

      to Parvati Devi & Her Family Forever.  Amen.